Friday afternoon, we took 2 boats (about 45 people each) out for a BBQ and snorkeling. On our way out, we passed a HUGE yacht called the Octopus. Not the typical boat you see around here. I joked that it was probably Bill Gates' boat. I was close. It actually belongs to Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft.
This boat cost $200 million to build and has an annual operating budget of $20 million! (And Paul owns 3 of these big yachts!)
It has 2 helicopters, a pool, a sub, several boats & jet skis and a full time crew of 60. It was an amazing boat to see! Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera handy to take a picture of it & we didn't realize whose boat this actually was until a couple days later.
You can read more about this incredible boat here. And see some additional pictures here.
11:58 AM
Wow!! The pictures look so cool. It must have been even better seeing it in person.
Bet you were disappointed you didn't have your camer!!
4:00 PM
That's the same yacht Dad and I were looking at buying, but now that Paul bought one first I guess we'll just have to go bigger.