Hangin' out
written by ertlnet
at Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Not much going on here. Been parked here on the couch for the better part of 2 days now. Still not sure what is wrong with me. I've been breathing OK & sleeping well. I am just mostly feeling really tired & worn out. I think some of it is side effects from the meds I was on. I finished them on Monday, so hopefully I will start feeling better soon! If not, I'll have to go back to the doctor. :-( But so far, they haven't really been able to pinpoint anything.
5:52 PM
Hi Jenni - Sorry to hear you are an ill couch potatoe! Hope you feel better soon. Wow, it's hard to believe you have been in Guam one year and we have been in Venice, FL the same. God continues to be soooo good to us, and my health has improved 100%. I'm able to be involved in so much of the ministry now and I love that. Tell Herron's we said HI. Love ya!